Treehugger articles

Hey! Check out these awesome articles I read on First, this awesome micro-apartment entry in a contest:

Domicile_-_Section_-_Macro_Sea_Method_Design.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smartPretty awesome, right? This was only the runner-up in the competition, but it’s still crazy and fun. Called DOMICILE and created by a collaboration between Macro Sea and Method Design. I love the design, from the mudroom right up to the skybox!

Next up, check out these awesome dogs that are trained to help the environment! These dogs have all sorts of jobs, from tracking orca feces to detecting illegally caught shark fins. Check out all their stories here!

conservation-dog.jpg.644x0_q100_crop-smart Next up on my list, this awesome jail for cell phones:

phonecell.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smart This is actually a pretty good idea. Basically, you just put everyone’s phones in, set the timer for however long you’d like, and there you go. If anyone tries to get at them, a buzzer will go off, alerting you. You don’t really need it – I admit, it is a bit of a waste of plastic – but it’s still a great way to get your family away from their phones! One only costs $20. Next, an awesome project that teaches you how to power a calculator or LED bulb with a few pennies! Here’s what you need.

One or two LED bulbs

A cheap, small calculator

Electrical tape

Zinc washers



An electrolyte such as salt water, vinegar or lemon juice

Sand paper

13 pennies that are dated 1982 or later


The first step is to unscrew the calculator to get the battery. Remove it. Then, pull out the negative and positive leads (look them up if you don’t know what they are), and attach them to  the terminal. I won’t put the rest here, since it would take up too much room, but you can find the rest of the instructions right here!

Last but certainly not least on my list, these ideas to decrease the risk of pedestrians and cyclists. One idea is an exterior airbag. It covers the bottom half of the windshield, and a camera under the rear-view mirror watches for pedestrians and cyclists. If the bumper on the windshield detects pressure, the airbag comes out. It would look something like this:

1681267-slide-tno-savecap-40kmh-airbag-far-side-8nov2012-side-view-120ms.jpeg.492x0_q85_crop-smart This idea is all well and good, but some people say that cyclists should be the ones that need to watch out. However, a study shows that people drive slower without their seatbelts on. This is because drivers drive less cautiously when they feel more protected, and more cautiously when they feel less protected. So with an airbag, they’ll be reckless. However, there is another idea. This idea is to remove seatbelts from cars and put a big metal spike in the middle of the steering wheel. Maybe they’ll slow down then!

Well, I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Make sure to check out other posts, and comment to let me know how I’m doing!




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