Pics from Nashville

Hey! Sorry about not posting last night, I got to bed at about midnight. Here are pics from my day in Nashville.

Store from American Pickers (a pawn shop show on TV).

Rocket fizz candy shop in downtown.

In this other sweets shop, a train ran along the ceiling!

Parthenon replica (some of you Percy Jackson fans may recognize this as a location from the first book).

Athena statue inside the Parthenon (location of one of the pearls from the film adaption of The Lightning Thief).

After all this traveling, we had a nice, hearty dinner at Jack’s Bar-B-Que. Heading to Kentucky today!

One Response to “Pics from Nashville”

  • Hey its me again i’m a huge Percy Jackson fan and my question for Zane is why does Percy want the pearls and where on Athena is the pearl? don’t worry i have gotten permission to quiz the audience so if your out there and reading feel free to answer on the blog answers to come tomorrow.

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