Pi Day interesting facts

Happy Pi Day everyone! Today is 3/14, the first three digits of Pi, so today is known as Pi Day, a time to celebrate and praise wonderful number. So, in honor of Pi, here are some cool facts!



Above: A pizza-Pi cutter. Yeah, wonderful pun.

1: We can never calculate the true value of Pi. It’s an irrational number; its digits go on forever.

2: The first 144 digits of Pi add up to 666.

3: In 2008, a strange crop circle showed up in Britain, containing a coded image representing the first 10 digits of Pi.

4: the current Pi memorization champion is Hiroyoki Gotu, who, in 1995, memorized 42,195 digits of Pi.

5:  In 2002, a Japanese scientist used a superpowerful computer to find 1.24 trillion digits of Pi, the most on record.

Well, I hope you enjoyed these Pi facts. By the way, 3.14 in a mirror looks like it spells “pie”. Comment to let me know how I’m doing, and don’t forget to check out other posts! HAPPY PI DAY!!!

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