From home to Your Theater

Hey! Today I’m showing you all some pictures of what I saw on the way from my house walking to Your Theater (which is a theater inside a church) for a play. Enjoy!

Intersection of Water Street and Union Street. There’s a bit of construction going on there right now.

Intersection of Union Street and Johnny Cake Hill. This intersection is close to the YMCA and the Whaling Museum.

Union Street and Second Street. If you look closely at this one, you can see a painting of different colored heads. It’s a pretty cool work of art, if you ask me!

And here we come to the part of town where I don’t know the street names, so I apologize in advance. This place is an apartment building.

Just a street shot. I wonder if the guy on the headstone fought in a war?

This is the Bay Village, an apartment complex. There was a lot of sun in that area, so the solar panels that you see on the roof were a nice idea, don’t you think?

You can see a park with a playground in this shot, and apparently it’s “one of the most dangerous parks in the city”. Yeah right!

This place is a club, but you probably already guessed that.

A grocery store, but again, you probably knew that.

A convenience store, but again…you know what I was going to say.

Another street shot. The recycling bin is just a recycling bin, not a sign for a recycling center or anything else.

A view of a massive church. Catholic, I believe.

Street shot. The flag that you can see reminds us all that it’s Thanksgiving, and that we have to cook yet another huge meal.

Just a small park. I always found it interesting how the leaves pile up in the corners and thin near the middle. Is there a scientific equation for this? If you know about it, please let me know in the comments!

Our last stop before the play, to get snacks. Minnie Mart instead of Mini Mart is odd and hilarious at the same time.

Well, that’s it for this post. I’ll have plenty more, but for now, don’t forget to comment and subscribe!

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