Election 2012: A New Day for Religion in America

Hey everyone, and happy new President! Obama has won the 2012 election, entitling him to another four years in office. After the election, I read an article on huffingtonpost.com about new religious unity for America. Check it out here. The article talks about how even though we may disagree on theology, we should all follow the same principles to respect each other. The fact that marriage rights were legalized in Maine, Minnesota, Maryland, and Washington shows how far we’ve come in that category. Also the fact that the first Hindu is in congress and the first Buddhist in senate shows the new religious diversity in America. This article was, to me, extremely moving, and i agree with the message, which is loud and clear: If we want America to be more religiously healthy, we need to join together as one, no matter what our religion.

what did you think of this article? Let me know in the comments!

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