Delicious Mathematical Thanksgiving Recipes

Hello, everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted anything much in a while, I’ve just been busy moving into my beautiful new house! Since I have even better kitchen appliances now, I figured I should use them for something. With Thanksgiving just in a couple of months, and with my love of mathematics, I found these awesome videos that’ll show you some Thanksgiving recipes that are delicious AND educational! There are four videos in all which I will post here. Have fun trying out these recipes, and I’ll see you again soon! (note: these videos were made by Vi Hart, the same person who did the Doodling in Math Class videos.)

Recipe: Mashed potatoes

Mathematical Concept: Polygon-to-circle homeomorphism

Recipe: Green bean casserole

Mathematical Concept: Vector fields

Recipe: Onion rings

Mathematical Concept: Brunnian links

Recipe: Turducken

Mathematical Concept: Binary trees & exponential functions

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