3 cool things on treehugger

Hey hey! Today I read about a few awesome things on treehugger.com, and you’re bound to enjoy them! First up, this helmet with turn signals attached:

dora_03.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smartThe helmet also has a headlight in the front and a taillight in the back, and is equipped with handlebar controls activated by Bluetooth. It seems strange that no one thought of this before. What do you think of it?

The next article is about a Capuchin monkey that trashed a woman’s home. As more people move into brazil, and more houses are built on Capuchin territory, the monkeys have started a protest. Recently, a woman was doing chores in her home whe she found a Capuchin monkey sleeping in her bed! The monkey was startled, and began to make a mess of the house. The woman eventually called the police. When the monkey was taken back to the police station, It managed to free itself from it’s cage and started exploring the office. Someone even managed to snap this shot:

monkey_smiling.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smartThe monkey has been put in a zoo, as it is not aggressive, but may be too used to humans to be released into the wild. Crazy!

The last article is about a Valentine’s day gag involving 3D scanning and printing. Hot Pop Factory created a ‘3D kissing photobooth”, where you could check out 3D printers and how they work, get scanned for free, and choose if you want your 3D scan as a bobblehead, necklace, ring, or statuette. Pretty cool!

Well, that wraps everything up for today. Check out other posts, and comment to let me know how I’m doing!


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