Song Challenges

Check out Andrew Huang, a multi-genre artist that challenges himself to make songs that have some crazy stipulations, like making a song that doesn’t have the letter “e”, making a rap that switches between five languages, or even making a song that goes alphabetically through 26 genres of music! Check out these songs and comment if you know another song with unusual rules, or even tried making one yourself!

Challenge: Make a song that transitions through 26 different genres, in alphabetical order.

Challenge: Cover “99 Red Balloons” using red balloons.

Challenge: Write a rap song that switches between five languages.

Cool Real-Life Challenge App

Check out this awesome app called SCVNGR. It’ll allow you to have adventures in real life, discover new places, and maybe even make a few friends along the way! You can check into places you go to (similar to Foursquare), but can also try neat challenges created by the SCVNGR community! Check out the website here.

Delicious Mathematical Thanksgiving Recipes

Hello, everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted anything much in a while, I’ve just been busy moving into my beautiful new house! Since I have even better kitchen appliances now, I figured I should use them for something. With Thanksgiving just in a couple of months, and with my love of mathematics, I found these awesome videos that’ll show you some Thanksgiving recipes that are delicious AND educational! There are four videos in all which I will post here. Have fun trying out these recipes, and I’ll see you again soon! (note: these videos were made by Vi Hart, the same person who did the Doodling in Math Class videos.)

Recipe: Mashed potatoes

Mathematical Concept: Polygon-to-circle homeomorphism

Recipe: Green bean casserole

Mathematical Concept: Vector fields

Recipe: Onion rings

Mathematical Concept: Brunnian links

Recipe: Turducken

Mathematical Concept: Binary trees & exponential functions
